When asked about how Jose was inspired to create his summit he said also said: “My company is a B2B business, and I hear all the time things like ‘Jose that’s not for me, I’m a small business owner’ or, ‘Jose, I have to grow at my own pace’, or, ‘You can do it because you are a sales and marketing genius’ and Bla Bla Bla. Jose also said, “When you see people like Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk and Robert Kiyosaki, as a business owner you always think ‘these guys are business geniuses!’ so I brought a bunch of amazing businesspeople that are killing it in their respective industries and that are very successful in their own right to show prove that we can all truly make it in business”

When asked Jose Silvera the reason why he decide to do this event he said that he wanted to bring power players that most people don’t know together into a virtual event that would be unforgettable.
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Las Vegas-based entrepreneur, influencer and marketing expert Jose Silvera, had one of the most surprising online business events in the world during his latest business summit called “Small Business Abundance Summit” on October 18-24 of 2021, the summit was a 7-days event for business owners and entrepreneurs who wanted to learn the necessary skills to: Get the right business mindset, start their businesses the right way, find their mentor, how to promote with organic and paid marketing, how to develop a successful product, memberships, real estate investing and more!